

  • Sarah Green(2005)を読んでみたり。

[O]ne should avoid the trap of 'trying to understand': what one should do is precisely the opposite; with regard to the post-Yugoslav war, one should [...] put in parentheses the multitude of meanings, the wealth of specters of the past which allow us to 'understand' the situation. [...] It is only such a suspension of 'comprehension' that renders possible the analysis of what is at stake -- economically, politically, ideologically -- in the post-Yugoslav crisis: of the political calculuuses and strategic decisions which led to the war (Zizek, 1997: 62; emphasis original, quoted by Green, 2005: 138).

  • をっと思ったのでメモ。

What can change things is what events in the world cause you to think about what you know has always already been true (Green, 2005: 153).

  • なんつうか、大学入試の英文和訳の問題にもなりそうな一文。いかにもあの先生のお弟子さんだなと思わせる一文でもあったり。ま、師匠のお仕事を言及しつつの一文であるからして、そうなるのも当然なんであるが。