



今日の『英辞郎』on the web

intimidate 【発音】inti'mide`it、【変化】《動》intimidates | intimidating | intimidated 【他動-1】 〜を怖がらせる、おびえさせる、びびらせる Tall men can easily intimidate shy children. : 背の高い男性を見ると、内気な子どもはすぐ怖がるものだ…

今日の『英辞郎』on the web

dazzle 【発音】dae'zl、【@】ダズル、【変化】《動》dazzles | dazzling | dazzled 【名】 輝くもの、まぶしい光、まぶしさ、輝き 【自動-1】 キラキラと輝く 【自動-2】 目がくらむ、眩惑{げんわく}する 【他動-1】 〜の目をくらませる 【他動-2】 〜の…

Erhat, A. 1997. Mavi Anadolu. Istanbul: Inkilap.

やけっぱちになってるわけではないけどいくことにしました。>The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King ってことで、今から楽しみだったりする。楽しめるといいなあ。 I enjoyed the film very much though it was really long. You need to prepare well…

今日の『英辞郎』on the web

coarse 【発音!】ko':(r)s、【@】コース、【変化】《形》coarser | coarsest 【形-1】 粗い、ザラザラした◆【類】vulgar / crude The sand at this beach is very coarse. : この浜の砂は非常に粗い。 【形-2】 粗悪{そあく}な、粗末{そまつ}な【形-3…

Erhat, A. 1997. Mavi Anadolu. Istanbul: Inkilap. Eyuboglu, S. 1999. Mavi ve Kara. Istanbul: Turkiye Is Bankasi Kultur Yayinlari.

I made a great careless mistake!! (T_T) I haven't done any work.. (- -;)

Eyuboglu, S. 1999. Mavi ve Kara. Istanbul: Turkiye Is Bankasi Kultur Yayinlari.

学校のパソコン室が空いてたよ。あさってくらいは使えそうだね。らっき〜♪ いざなにかはじめるとやれてないことがいろいろ頭に思い浮かんで大変なことになってくるなあ。とかいいながらまだ勉強はじめてないし。家に帰ったら昨日の続きからはじめなきゃ。 ネ…


Erhat, A. 1997. Mavi Anadolu. Istanbul: Inkilap. Eyuboglu, S. 1999. Mavi ve Kara. Istanbul: Turkiye Is Bankasi Kultur Yayinlari.

I got up at 11.00am(!) and I was lazy for a couple of hours..But now I must start working! At 15.00, I finally started working. How can I be so lazy? I cannot concentrate on working...(T_T) I had spagetti Bolognese for dinner. It was OK, b…

Erhat, A. 1997. Mavi Anadolu. Istanbul: Inkilap.

勉強できてないし。 Taking notes on "Mavi Anadolu" for the second time It's not a waste of time (I believe!) but what I lost is notes and quotes from more than 200 hundred pages..

That's not me (of course!). It seems that notes on "Mavi Anadolu" has been lost! I looked for them for 2-3 hours but finally I gave up! I have to take notes from its very beginning!! I can't believe it! (T_T) There seems to be some blackho…

ベルリンで集めたものも含めてクリスマス使って今までやってきたことをまとめないと。やったことがあまりにも少なくて落ち込むかもしれないけど、それは今更仕方ないし。前向きに。 やるべきこと UNESCO関係のまとめ ケースのまとめ ベルリン関係

買い出しに出歩いた一日。25日と26日は基本的にお店は全部閉まるし。ひっきーしながらしっかりおべんきょしないと。 ヴェネツィア行きどうしましょ。泊まるとこもさがさないと行けないし。どこにいくか。。。 I wish you a merry Christmas!

It was very good weather but really cold in Berlin today. First I went to Berliner Dom and climed the Dome up, and then I walked to Brandenburg Tor (the Brandenburg Gate). Apart from my flight's 20-minute delay, the journey to Cambridge wa…

It snowed today, i.e. it was very cold. In the morning I went to the State Library but I could only use the Reading room and refenrence materials. It is necessary to be a resident of Germany if I want to read the books the Library holds. G…

一日で三つも博物館・美術館に行ったせいか、足ががくがく。痛い〜。 今日行ったなかでは絵画美術館(Gemaldegalarie)が一番よかったかな。ボッティチェリとかブリューゲルにルーベンスとか観られたし。彼らの作品については、英国も含めてもっといろんな作…

I went to Potsdam this morning, where many palaces were built by the Hohenzollern dynasty. The most famous palace is Schloss Sans Souci, which was built by the order of Frederick the Great and decorated in the Rococo style. The garden was …

Talking to people without making an appointment in advance did not work well at all, I more or less expected this, however.. Although talking to people was not successful at all, I collected (bought) some published materials and Germany-re…

今日の『英辞郎』on the web

inventory: 【発音】i'nv(э)nto`:ri、【@】インベントリー、【変化】《複》inventories 【名】 目録{もくろく}、在庫品一覧{ざいこひん いちらん}、棚卸し(資産{しさん})、在庫{ざいこ}(リスト)、在庫目録{ざいこ もくろく}、物品明細表{ぶ…

Bilsel, C. 2000. Zeus in Exile: Archaeological Restitution as Politics of Memory. Center for Arts and Cultural Policy Studies Working Paper Series 13.

I have just sent my proposal of a paper for NH(R)C conference to its organisors. I hope they accept it. 日曜と月曜は勉強できてないし、今日はなんかしなきゃ。

指導教官からアブストラクトおっけぇのメールがきたので、お礼メール発射。返す刀でプロポーザルをオーガナイザーに発射。うまくいきますように。。 午前中はお掃除を少しと洗濯と。掃除ってより、昨日掃除しようとして汚くなったとこを片付けただけで、本質…

今日の『英辞郎』on the web

rudimentary 【形】 初歩{しょほ}の、基礎{きそ}の、基本{きほん}の、基本的{きほんてき}な、未発達{みはったつ}の、原始的{げんしてき}な The training was too short to learn anything but rudimentary skills. : 訓練期間が短すぎたので、初…


Nothing has been done at the moment. (I fell asleep after dinner.)

I didn't mean to, but in the end I was very lazy today.. This is what I am always feeling at the end of the day...(>Hermione-san) I sent to my supervisor a draft of my paper proposal for the NH(R)C conference. I have to clean up my room, p…