

  • 大学のサイトの表紙にうちの学科関連の記事が載ってた。

Sigrid Rausing has provided a generous benefaction to endow, in perpetuity, the Sigrid Rausing Professorship of Collaborative Anthropology at the University of Cambridge. The first holder of this prestigious post will be Professor Caroline Humphrey.
Latest news | University of Cambridge

  • このニュースってGuardianでも記事になってたり。

Caroline Humphrey: Nomadic passion
John Crace talks to Cambridge University's first-ever professor of collaborative anthropology
(Tuesday February 7, 2006)
Even in these days of long-haul foreign holidays, Mongolia is off-limits for most travellers. Its capital, Ulan Bator, has steadfastly resisted the attractions of McDonald's and even now its most famous native is Genghis Khan, who was born the best part of 850 years ago. So it's a bit of a culture shock to find one of the world's leading authorities on Mongolian society tucked away among the imposing stained glass windows of King's College, Cambridge.
Caroline Humphrey: Nomadic passion | Education | The Guardian

  • たぶん、下のコトバが端的にそれをあらわしてるわけなんだけど、"Collaborative Anthropology"ってコンセプトがまだよ〜わからんというか、まだ聞きなれてなくて、何を意味するのかすぐにはピンと来ないなあ。*1

"I have always believed that anthropology should not just be about a researcher going into a community and then returning home to write up the findings," she says. "There should be a sense in which the people you are studying are involved in the research, and I hope to set up exchange programmes between researchers here and abroad."
