

Pope's guards celebrate 500 years
By Christian Fraser
BBC News, Rome
They are known as the "Defenders of the Church" and this weekend the Vatican Swiss Guard celebrated 500 years of service.

  • 記事を読み進めると、ミケランジェロがデザインしたと言われてるこのユニフォームのことも載ってたり…。をを!なんと!「創られた伝統」かよ!

Popular myth says the traditional yellow, blue and red uniforms the guards wear - the colours of the Medici - were designed by Michelangelo. But in truth they are only 100 years old and were designed in 1905 by a Swiss Guard Commander.

  • ということで参考文献は、↓↓コチラ↓↓

創られた伝統 (文化人類学叢書)

創られた伝統 (文化人類学叢書)

The Invention of Tradition (Canto)

The Invention of Tradition (Canto)

    • どうでもよいことだけど、いまこっちで売ってる原書の表紙デザイン、はまぞうのデザインからちょっとだけ変わってるような気がする。