


Hardin 1968. "The Tragedy of the Commons"

明日の11時半に面会(IARC; IAT&CulP; Tur) 連絡をとらないといけない事柄 KF (N; Ott; Nat) MacDonaldな人(Euromed;Arch) Lft (Trip to Tur) TS(V&A)

I went to the Christmas Dinner of Hughes Hall, which was followed by a concert. The meal was OK, but the starter was quite Oriental (prawn tempras and a deep-fried dumpling), which I found a bit strange. The dessert was nice, which, is for…

ぼんやり「白い巨塔」のサイトとかみてるし…(大汗) うちの学部(医学部じゃないけど)は世界に公募してるなあ。教員の奥様会はなさそうな雰囲気。女性の先生多いし、セクシュアルな志向も異性に限るという人ばかりではないみたいだし(男女を問わず)。 図…

Macpherson, C.B. 1962. The Political Theory of Possessive Individualism: Hobbes to Locke. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

That was of course impossible! In the end, it took 4 hours that all the speakers gave papers. I was exhausted in the last 30 minutes. But the papers given in the semiar were on the whole interesting and it was good because I met a woman wh…

Renfrew, C. 2000. Loot, Legitimacy and Ownership (Duckworth Debates in Archaeology. London: Duckworth.

11月後半は本当に勉強できなかった。 ことの発端はあるお仕事をやっていくための人間関係。ばっくれた人のおかげでしわ寄せが一気にくるし、デリカシーのないメールはくるし、散々。