

  • お手紙がとどいていました。

Dear Mr Piedpiper,

I am delighted to tell you that the Board of Graduate Studies,
on the recommendation of the Degree Committee for the Faculty concerned,
have agreed to approve you for the PhD Degree.

Please note that you will not actually receive the degree until it has been conferred on you,
either in person or in your absence, at a Congregation of the Regent House*1. [...]
Your degree certificate will be issued only after the degree has been conferred.

May I extend my warmer congratulations.

Yours sincerely

    • This is it.
    • この大学町にいるためのrequirementはなんとかクリアしたことにはできるのかな。まだタイトルは卒業しないと名乗れないけど。
