

使ってる辞書はRedhouseBüyük Elsözlüğü (İngilizce-Türkçe, Türkçe-İngilizce)と、Türk Dil Kurumu発行のOkul Sözlüğü (Türkçe-Türkçe)

  • görev: duty; job, employment, function; official work, office; jurisdiction(裁判権、管轄権).
  • tespit: fixing, making O fast, stable, secure; establishing, determining.
    • -(I) tespit etmek: to fix;to establish
  • haberdar: informed of, having knowledge about.
  • zilyet: possessor, owner, proprietor.
  • takdir: appreciation, recognition of worth, merit, or importance of O; appreciation; approval, applause; estimating the worth of O.
  • ikramiye: bonus; prize; reward.
  • kamu: all; the whole; the public.