


今日の『英辞郎』on the web

apparently 【副-1】 どうやら〜らしい、どうも〜らしい、おそらく、一見{いっけん}したところ、見たところでは、外見上{がいけんじょう} Apparently, this is not the case. : どうやらこれは事実ではありません。 He died last night / apparently he …

Bozdogan, S. 2001 Modernism and Nation Building: Turkish Archtectural Culture in the Early Republic. Seattle and London: University of Washington Press. The book I mentioned above. 半分くらいアブストラクトを一から書き直しや〜と思ってて、夜…

The year 2003 will come to an end in 3 weeks time.. A book I ordered nearly 5 month ago finally arrived.